Spring is finally in full swing here in the NEK of Vermont. The leaves are starting to fill out on the trees, and the grass is getting green. We still have a way to go, but it’s good to see things growing again. Below is a current image from our webcam showing how things are greening up here in Island Pond.
Starting to green up here in the NEK of Vermont
I have also setup a small 4 X 4 raised bed last week to grow salad greens this year. In addition to planting some seeds, I purchased a few sets this week for some earlier harvests. The seeds are starting to sprout even though you can’t see them in the photo below.
Small raised bed to grow salad greens in Island Pond.
I have another 4 X 4 raised bed that I will be planting with summer squash and cucumbers when it warms up a bit more. Since we are under a freeze warning for tonight I’m glad I didn’t plant it yet.