Tag Archives: weather

Snow Day in NEK

The snow has started to pick up in intensity here in Island Pond. Temperatures are right around 30°, and are expected to drop throughout the day. Most of northern Vermont is expecting between 1 and 2 feet of snow before the storm winds down tomorrow.

There is 18″ on the snow stake at the start of the storm. Keep you eye on the live webcam throughout the storm to see how deep it gets. Island Pond Webcam

18" on the webcam at the start of the storm.

18″ on the webcam at the start of the storm.

Time to spring forward

As forecast,  yesterday was a beautiful day in the NEK of VT. We finally got above freezing with a high of 38° here in Island Pond.  It was a great day to be outside enjoying the warmer weather and bright sunshine!

Don’t forget to set your clocks ahead one hour tonight as we begin daylight savings time.