Tag Archives: tomato

Warm Humid Weather Weather Has Returned To The NEK

After cool weather at the end of last week, warmer and more muggy air has returned to the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont. Today has been the worst with a current temperature of 82.8°, and a dew point of 67.4° at 2PM in Island Pond.

island Pond, vt temperatures

Temperatures over the past 7 days in Island Pond, VT.

Island Pond, VT dew points

Dew points in Island Pond VT over the last 7 days

As a result of the warm muggy air over us, we are expecting showers and thunder storms this afternoon. Tomorrow a cold front is expected to move through returning us to much dries air.

forecast for Island Pond, VT

Now that Memorial Day has past, it’s time to start getting the rest of the garden planted. I hope to get to a garden center over the next couple of days and picking up a few tomatoes and maybe even a few other vegetable sets to help get a few earlier harvests then I’ll get by just planting seeds. I’ll post some photos of my progress as I go.

Tomatoes almost ready!

For whatever reason our tomatoes have been talking their time this year.  I was happy to see them starting to ripen this week.  Even though ours haven’t been ready, we’ve been getting some good tomatoes in Island Pond, VT at both Teds Market and Kingdom Market.  We’ve also gotten some very good sweet corn in town. However,  we can’t wait to pick our own home grown tomatoes.  They will go very well on my favorite sandwich this summer,  a BLT with cheese on toasted wheat bread.


Tomatoes starting to ripen in Island Pond, VT


First Tomato!!!

I finally noticed our first tomato of the season!  We have two varieties,  a cherry tomato and a better boy full sized beefsteak variety. While the cherry tomato plant has blossoms,  it is the larger Better Boy plant has the first fruit on it. I can’t wait until we pick our first ripe tomato!

First green tomato of the season.

First green tomato of the season.