From a short trip to northern NH back in July.
From a short trip to northern NH back in July.
What a difference a year can make in the foliage department. Looking back at this post from September 24, 2014 shows how much more color development we had here in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont last year than we have on the same date this season. I’m sure the above normal temperatures that we’ve had for most of September have contributed to the foliage being behind schedule. We just had our first really cool morning of the season on 9/21 when the temperature dropped to 33.7° here in Island Pond.
Even though I haven’t seen much color around the Island Pond area I thought I would take a drive today and see if I could find some color.
I was able to find spotty color in places, but not the big vistas with great color.
I continued North on Rte. 114 through Norton and then on to Canaan without seeing much in the way of that brilliant fall foliage that I was looking for. The only hope I had left was to cross the Connecticut River and head to Pittsburg, NH. The colors did get better the further north that I drove. But it still wasn’t anywhere near peak foliage.
Hopefully the cooler temperatures over the next several nights helps bring on the fall foliage that most of us have been waiting for to arrive here in the NEK of VT.