Category Archives: Weather

Warm in the NEK

Temperatures have been unseasonably warm around here for the past few months. We have had a few shots of cold air, but temperatures have been above to well above normal. Yesterday, December 11, 2015, we had a high of  51.6°F.

Temperatures in Island Pond, VT 12/6/15- 12/12/15

Temperatures in Island Pond, VT 12/6/15- 12/12/15

Unfortunately for snow lovers these warm temperatures have melted most of the snow that fell at the beginning of the month. There isn’t any snow left here in Island Pond. However as of this morning there was still an inch or two left at elevations above 1500′ in parts of the Northeast Kingdom.

Island Pond Webcam

No snow on the webcam in Island Pond, VT

It’s starting to look like we may be in for a brown Christmas this year if we don’t see a change in our weather pattern over the next week or so.

First snow cover of the season

We had our first accumulating snow of the season here in Island Pond over the weekend.

Snow starting to accumulate on Saturday 11/14/15

Snow starting to accumulate on Saturday 11/14/15

I decided to head up to Jobs Pond in Westmore on Saturday to see if there was more snow in the higher elevations. There was a little more at the pond, but not as much as I had hoped.

Jobs Pond in Westmore, VT on Saturday 11/14/15

Jobs Pond in Westmore, VT on Saturday 11/14/15